SUBJECT: Lesson #4 - Having Your Emails Answered For You? {!firstname_fix} Do you want to outsource your emails but don't know how to get started? If you're getting to the point where you're receiving the same emails asking for help on a particule subject then you should consider letting someone else handle their emails and responses. Managing all of the emails ourselves just takes up way too much of our time, and in order to become more productive we must begin to think about hiring an assistant to help handle the email management. The goal is to find a system that allows you to outsource the handling of these requests and still being able to 'drop in' to check on how things are going. A help desk is a good system to have when you are using assistants because the emails can be processed and sent on the person you've assigned to handle them. Customers usually are happy with this type of system as well because they can see a record of what has been said and they can also check the status of their query. Not only that but a record of the conversion is kept for the customer so both you and the assistant can refer back to any tickets. In some systems, you can even set automatic escalation after a certain number of days. What happens is that the system alerts you whenever a ticket has been inactive for a long period of time. By having things set up this way you can be free from having to 'check in' often but still have the peace of mind that all queries are being responded to in a timely manner and that your customers are receiving excellent customer service. Follow the link below to see how to set up your own support desk to reduce the time you spend tinkering with emails!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME