SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Loss Of Concentration {!firstname_fix} Whenever you sit down to focus on your own work, you never know when your concentration will be broken – by an e-mail, a phone call, a request from a colleague, or even by yourself, when you suddenly remember something important that you’ve forgotten to do. Almost as bad is as the interruptions is anticipating them – you can never really relax and focus, because you know you could be derailed at any moment. The bottom line is that interruptions destroy your concentration. And loss of concentration = loss of creative work. If you’re not careful, you can end up in permanent ‘reactive mode’ – spending your time responding to others’ demands and all the things you have to do instead of the one thing you really wanted to do today. Let’s face it, the interruptions aren’t going away anytime soon. If they did, it would be a bad thing – it would mean less customers. Don't let your emails get out of control! Follow the link below to see how to set up your own support desk to reduce the time you spend tinkering with emails!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME