re: How to Buy and Sell Websites for Profit! (simple method makes $100-$200 a day...) RE: How a System Made $100-$200 a Day Flipping Websites (details inside...) REMINDER: How to Make $100-$200/day buying and reselling websites... If you like the idea of buying or creating websites fast and then re-selling them for a quick profit then this is for you... YOUR LINK?l Inside this course you'll discover... Module #1 - Introduction to flipping Websites For Fast Profit In this lesson you will learn how the system works, what tools you will need before you get started, and what to expect in the lesson series as a whole. This will help give you a head start and allow you to implement this system at a faster rate. Keep in mind, just as the title states, the goal is to help you create fast flips, which can run anywhere from a couple hundred or more. There is no guarantee, but this is taken from a proven system that I have used and has worked well. Module #2 - Brainstorming: Business Income Model Let me ask you a question. How will your website make money? You need to know this before you create your website, because that is the primary reason why your prospects will buy your website. If you just setup a website and try to sell it without answering the above question, then you may as well say goodbye to your future clients. There are many business models we will look at. All of which are easy to plan ahead and setup. Some may sell more than others, but the key is to test it out for yourself. Module #3 - Doing Your Research Research Research Research. Before you move on, you need to do the proper research. By this I am talking about knowing exactly what sites you are going to create in terms of not only business income model, but content, and what it will look like. You need to know the market, do your keyword research, and ensure that what you are about to spend time on is going to be profitable. Module #4 - Getting the Content and Graphics Once you do the proper brainstorming and research, it is time to start creating content and gathering those graphics. Graphics will help make your content look better, But the question is, should you use PLR Content or create your own content? Where to find article writers? Where do you find graphics to add to your content? This part doesn’t have to be complicated, and it is not. In fact, this part can be outsourced easily. Module #5 - Building a Site that Sells You’ve brainstormed, you’ve researched, and you’ve got the content. Now it’s time to take all of that you have done earlier and set it up. In this system, we will be using Wordpress Content Management System, so you can get your sites up and running fast and still make it look good. Module #6 - Website Indexing and SEO Basics Websites that have traffic coming to them or are properly indexed in the search engines, can can sell for more. You see a lot of people tend to just setup websites and sell them. While you can make a couple hundred or more bucks that way, why not do some proper traffic generation while you’re at it? Let the site sit for a bit and add it to the establish sites listings. With Wordpress you can do On-Page SEO optimization fairly easily and you will learn that and traffic generation in this lesson Module #7 - Time To Sell Your Website And Make Serious Money Now it’s time to sell your website. How should you go about doing this? What should you do before selling your website? Watch this lesson for all these answers. Check out the link below for full details... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME