Subject: {!firstname_fix}, Are Your Taking Advantage Of The "Social Boom"?! Hi {!firstname_fix}, Unless you've been living under a rock you would have heard about 'Twitter'. If you haven't had the time to check it out, let me briefly tell you what it's all about.. Twitter is known by many, as a place where you can go and send out 140 character messages, better known as 'tweets', that tell people what you are doing, at that particular moment. The reason why this is good for business, is because your followers get to know what is happening in your life, on a more personal level. Prospects like to get to know WHO they are buying from, before they turn into a buyer. Once you've got into the swing of things, you can use Twitter to build awareness about you and your business.. PROBLEM: Most people don't use Twitter correctly.. That's where this video series comes in. Not only will you learn a system that uses Twitter, and other free third party sites, to get your sites ranked high in Google, but you'll also learn how to increase your credibility among your followers, by using a simple legal technique. Whether you are an online or offline business owner, as long as you have a website or landing page, this is a MUST have in your marketing toolbox. We'll cover.. 1. An overview of the system 2. Twitter keywords 3. Tweeting 4. Building Twitter content 5. Boosting your rankings 6. Getting more followers and much more.. Follow the link below for a full video series on how to exploit Twitter for SEO rankings and more... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME