re: why the money is not in the list... *Turn Your Emails into Cash!* Perfected System that's Made $620k (now yours to swipe...) Here's something you need to know... The money is NOT in the list. It's in the RELATIONSHIP you have with your list that counts the most. Sure list size important, but if you have 100,000 people who are not even opening your emails, what's the point? A small enthusiastic list of 1,000 people will outperform a massive list with old, cold subscribers any day of the week. And that's good news for you, because it means you don't have to spend YEARS building such a large list. Quick Cash Emails breaks down the entire process of 'heating up' your new and cold subscriber leads and turning them into life-long raving customers who can relate to you, love receiving your emails, always click your links, and more often than not, buy your offers. YOUR LINK Here's just a slither of the amazing and somewhat unorthodox techniques you'll discover inside... Lesson #1 - Introduction to Quick Cash Emails In the first lesson we'll introduce you to the course. You'll discover how you can use the power of mass email distribution and automation to completely change your life. Lesson #2 - Attracting the Right Audience In this lesson we'll discuss the real value behind building your tribe. You're not just collecting email addresses... far from it. Lesson #3 - Send Emails to Many, Talk to One You'll be collecting thousands even tens of thousands of email addresses that have given you permission to communicate and offer products to them. But the question is how to do communicate to everyone on your list? Do you talk to them as one big group?... Do you break them down into smaller groups like a class?... Or do you talk to one person at a time?... We'll help you clear the mist so you'll know exactly how to approach this every time you send out an email. Lesson #4 - Create Your Ideal Customer In an ideal world you would simply start writing the way YOU want and assume people know what you're on about. However this couldn't be further from the truth... In the world of online marketing you need to write at their level of understanding. Let's say you're an expert in your field and you're talking to someone who is completely new to what you do but willing to learn... would it be wise to use complicated words and jargon they've never heard of?... If you do that then you'll discourage them, lose their interest and you'd spend most of your time explaining yourself. The conversation would never get anywhere. You've lost a sale. So what does your customer REALLY want? Hint it's got very little to do with the product itself. Lesson #5 - Writing with the Customer in Mind Do you remember in English class your teacher would tell you to leave a double space after a period in a sentence before starting the next... Or that commas and periods should always go inside quotation marks? "Like this for example." as opposed to "something like this"... Or to never start a sentence with 'And' or 'Because' because it's considered bad English? Well in the world of online marketing and communicating for profit... all that goes out the window!... Writing for profit is COMPLETELY different. The fact is people DON'T care about your perfect English literiture. They care about how they feel when they read your message and what's in it for them! Lesson #6 - The Push-Pull Email Formula The majority of people who join your newsletter will not buy straight away. Some do but most don't. So how do you turn things about so that everyone wants to know what you have to sell? Allow us to introduce you to a technique we've coined as the 'push pull' email formula to help you overcome buyer resistance. Once you've cracked the code, you'll get higher open rates, more links clicked, and more sales. Lesson #7 - Formulating Perfect Sales Emails It's not what you sell, but how you sell it. Your audience needs problems solved, they need solutions and they need products. They know they need it, you know they need it, but it's how you frame and present the offer BEFORE they've even laid their eyes on it that will determine your level of success. In this lesson we'll cover the more subtle and intricate details that take your email messages to the next level... Lesson #8 - Run a 7-Day Promotion Event Whilst you can make money just from sending out one email for every promotion, what you'll find is you'll get far better results if you run a timed-event and point several emails to one offer over several days. Don't worry this is nothing complicated. It's simply a way of focusing your attention on one offer, and in doing so you can your audience to focus their attention on one offer as well. Lesson #9 - The Sales Over Time Blueprint Now comes the interesting part. Selling! With the techniques you'll learn here you'll be able to pull in as much sales in a week, that the average person spends a whole year working 9-5. What you're about to learn here is seriously life-changing. Lesson #10 - The Know Like and Trust Formula People buy from people they know, like and trust. Let's say you're looking for a new car, but you know very little about them. However you have a friend who's a mechanic and knows everything there is to know. Would you rather walk into a show room and let a sales man talk you into buying something, or would you prefer to get advice from a trusted friend? I'm sure you'd rather listen to your friend and make your buying decisions based off their advice, even let them decide what car's right for you. The same thing applies online. So in this module you'll show you how to posistion yourself as the friend, and less of a seller. Lesson #11 - Position Yourself as an Authority People respect, admire and listen to authority figures and role models. Maybe this is the first time you've considered starting a business online. Maybe you've been online for a while and not had enough success to consider yourself an authority. Well it doesn't matter. Because in this module we're going to show you how to position yourself as one without going through years of experience. Lesson #12 - Building Deep Connections with Emails One thing that many beginners fail to do is build a strong connection with their email list. They have no trouble selling products, but skip an important step. What if you're getting the clicks, sending your readers to an amazing sales page, and selling a product that they actually need, but still get no sales? What's missing is the personal touch. I've taught students in the past who have run into the same exact problem. They invested in paid traffic and quality products, were able to get the clicks, but no sales. Watch this module to avoid it happening to you. Lesson #13 - Leverage the Law of Association In a competitive world of short attention spans, advertisments, and interruptions, if you don't put certain things into place, it's easy for your audience to forget you. In this module we'll reveal to you a few simple yet highly effectove things you can do to ensure your presence is known and ingrained into their minds. Lesson #14 - Crafting High-Click Emails and Subject Lines Building a following is one thing, but getting them visit a website and place an order is another. Your email messages are responsible for traffic and making sales so it makes perfect sense to get really good at writing them. In this lesson we'll show you how to attract attention and build desire to prime them for your offers. Lesson #15 - Split-Testing Emails and Segmenting Lists In the final lesson we'll answer a couple of frequently asked questions submitted from our students. Listen carefully as these are asked directly from our students who are on the right path and comitted to building their email list. Once you're through with this course you'll stand out in their inbox, out-shine your competitors and will have NO problem recommending affiliate offers or selling your own products. Sales will be effortless. This is the missing piece you need (and didn't realize) to turn your emails into cash-producing income systems. It's simple. You write your email. You send it to your list. You profit. Quick Cash Emails. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME