LAST CALL! Download 15 I.M. Giveaway Reports Plus Duplicate of Site! LAST CALL! *Done For You* Business (15 MRR Giveaway Reports) This is just a friendly reminder that if haven't already secured your give-away quick tip reports, now's the time to do so before the next price bump. Remember not only do you get master resell and giveaway rights to 15 reports packed with over 50,000 words, but you can even secure rights to the entire site and sell it as many times as you want to other marketers. YOUR LINK?l=1 Here's a quick look at what you're getting master resell and give-away rights to... * 3 Ways Make $10 Per Hour * Get Affiliates Sell Your Stuff * 22 Ways To Get Liked On Facebook * Beginners Guide To Getting JVs * Guide To Affirmations * Manifesting With Visualization * Proclaiming Success Or Failure * Protect Your Personal Power * Set Up $1,000 Coaching Program * True Productivity In Business & Life * Your Desire & The Law Of Attraction * Your Own Destiny * Your Own Path Destiny * 51 Social Media Marketing Methods * I.M. Fast Start Resources Want to get the most from these reports?... IDEA #1 - Keep your readers happy! Hand out a report to your readers once per week and automatically deliver content for the next 4 months! Pick a day of the week like Friday and call it 'freebie Friday', or Sunday and call it 'Surprise Sunday' and hand out your report. Your readers get 100 useful marketing tips for free! Your readers will love you for it! IDEA #2 - Add more value to your existing offer! Just bundle a package of these products together to add more value to your existing offers. By offering more bang for the buck you may just tip those sales conversions in your favour without having to work any harder! IDEA #3 - Add more content to your paid or free membership! Lacking quality content and want your members to stay with you for the long haul? Then drip feed these reports into your membership, and offer them as downloaded content. Alternatively you could copy the content from the reports and paste them into premium pages of your membership. IDEA #4 - Motivate your affiliates! Don't just send your affiliates a link and hope for the best! Instead make it easy for your partners by giving them content that they can give away for free to promote your product or service. You'll increase your profits instantly and see a surge of sales come in long term! IDEA #5 - Add more posts to your blog! Pick your subject, create a catchy title, and copy and paste in the tips into your blog post! Add a picture from iStockPhoto, or a cartoon image from iClipArt, add a closing paragraph and you'll have a unique post for your readers. Ask readers to leave comments and add their own tips and you'll have a little discussion going! Great for free SEO traffic! Monetize your blog with AdSense and/or Amazon offers. IDEA #6 - Apply the knowledge to improve your business. Pick a topic you're interested in, read through the content yourself and apply any one of the hundreds of ideas readily available to you! With a little imagination and determination, you can turn these info-packed reports into traffic, lead and sale generators! You're only limited by your imagination! Act now to secure your reports plus the added bonus before it's removed. YOUR LINK?l=1 To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.