14 Ways To Profit With Reseller Products (my proven ideas inside...) re: 14 Fast Cash Ideas For Resell Rights! (my proven ideas inside...) RE: 14.5GB+ Wholesaler Deal Still Available (plus 14 practical ideas inside...) If you weren't already aware you can grab a plethora of turn-key products in multiple niches at a wholesaler's discount. This will not only save you 1000s of hours in labour, but 1000s in professional fees and you get the benefit of using everything within minutes from now! YOUR LINK?l If you're still unsure as to how to make money with your products then here are 14 of my fast cash ideas to get your brains sizzling... FAST CASH IDEA #1: Sell as they are for fast and easy profits! - That's right - don't do anything to them. Don't change the sales page, the download page, or the squeeze page. Many of these products come with Master Resell Rights so you can just download exactly what you receive and sell it on for quick money! FAST CASH IDEA #2: Sell individually for a stampede of payments! - Set up each product with their own domain or sub-domain and sell them individually to the end user at the price you want! You could even slip in a one-time offer and up-sell resell rights for a higher price! FAST CASH IDEA #3: Add bonuses to each product to make them a no-brainer deal! - why not add a complimentary report/eBook/video into the offer and add more value for a conversion boost. You can sell at the same price or even raise it for more profits! FAST CASH IDEA #4: Give-away a sample report/eBook/video to build your list! - Use the squeeze page provided to hand out preview teaser copy to your visitors in exchange for their email. Now you'll pre-sell your prospects for your main offer and open the gates to sell high-ticket products further down the line. FAST CASH IDEA #5: Give-away a sample report/eBook/video and add a special one-time offer! - Why not make a sale whilst you're giving away your PDF? Simply slip in a special offer right after your visitor has signed up. You could offer master resell rights to the PDF they just subscribed for, or you can put together a package of other eBooks or home-study courses and sell personal rights. We use this technique a lot in our marketing system and it works like a charm! FAST CASH IDEA #6: Cross-sell with other affiliate products on your download pages - Whether you're giving your eBook away or selling it with Master Resell Rights, you can cross-sell with other related affiliate products on your download page. For example, if you've just sold a guide on 'blogging for beginners' you can add a link on your download page that recommends blogging training video series! FAST CASH IDEA #7: Cross-sell with your own products on your download pages - If already have your own product and need more interested leads to visit your site, why not use the download page as a promotional tool to redirect traffic to your high-ticket product? You've already started the transaction by giving something away for free, and your visitors has already accepted the transaction by downloading your gift! FAST CASH IDEA #8: Package 2 or 3 or more together to create unique themed offers - Why not break down the eBooks on this page and group them into themes to create your own packages? That way you can add more value then just selling one of the eBooks alone! FAST CASH IDEA #9: Package 10-20 together with a time-limit to start your own fire sale! - Bundle 10 or more eBooks with or without Master Resell Rights and there you have your own wild fire sale! Even if you sell all eBooks for a measly $17, you can quickly conjure up $1700+ with just 100 sales! FAST CASH IDEA #10: Outsource a voice-over artist to read-aloud any eBook product so you'll have an MP3 audio file to add value to your offers. You could even release part of the MP3 as a 'leaked' audio in exchange for a sign-up or to improve the conversions on your sales page! A voice on your sales page will add a new level of professionalism and build even more trust with your visitors! FAST CASH IDEA #11: Use that MP3 and submit it to podcast directories as free content. Tell your voice-over artist to mention the URL of your websites so you'll receive free traffic! FAST CASH IDEA #12: Get a voice-over to read-aloud any one of your eBook products and display a power-point presentation at the same time for an instant video! You'll be adding ten times more perceived value to your product and it will stand out from the crowd! Take it a step further and watermark the bottom of the video with your URL and give out a 'leaked video' for free on YouTube for instant traffic! FAST CASH IDEA #13: Set up your own eBook store! - Simply copy and paste the sales copy into your eBook store template along with the eCover image and you'll have a new product to sell. Do this for all products and you'll have a full store ready to collect payments day in, day out! FAST CASH IDEA #14: Start your own membership! - Create passive recurring income by drip-feeding the products into your own membership! No need to create your own content and do things from scratch as everything can be delivered to your customers on a weekly/monthly basis! There are just so many ways to make money with these products you see here in front of you that it will take all day to go through all the possibilities! Even the ones mentioned here can still be dug into deeper! Remember money loves speed. If you can see yourself doing any one of these ideas, then act now and use these 'done for you' products to get your ideas into action! YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME