20+ Lesson to Prevent Hot-Linking, Link-Sharing, Theft and Save Bandwidth 23 How To Videos to Stop Digital Theft, Save Bandwidth, Hotlinking and More... If you've experienced slow download speeds on your server, delayed loading times, or even error messages on your website telling you to 'contact the webmaster' then you've probably experienced something called a 'traffic spike'. This is when too many people are visiting a sales page or accessing the same file from your server and downloading all at once... The server crashes, the support tickets start pilling up and what should be a happy day quickly turns into a crappy day. It's a common occurance with product launches and those with big mailing lists who are in control of lots of traffic. If you haven't experienced it... then you most likely will. It's not a question of IF, but WHEN. YOUR LINK Or maybe you've experienced something like this... You spend weeks, developing your own product. It's the best thing you've ever created. You launch it to your list and make sales. It's a complete success and you even get glowing feedback from your customers. You continue to promote your product, the sales keep coming in and grows popular amongst the community as the weeks and months go by. The sales are good for a while but then suddenly it drops... and you have NO idea why? You do a Google search for your product and instead of finding your sales page listed... you find MULTIPLE listings to your product download links on black hat forums... Your product links have been shared and are now freely available for anyone to 'Google' and download. What's worse is the links are hosted on your server as well, comsuming your bandwith! YOUR LINK Months of hard work down the drain, potentially $1000s of revenue gone, and 100s of customers that 'could' have been on your list, willing to buy more from you... All that gone because your products were not protected. Believe me it's not a nice feeling. Now these two scenaries may seem extreme to the beginner, but as your business grows you WILL encounter these issues sooner or later. The real question is "what are you going to do about it?..." However if you're serious about protecting your hard work, maintaining healthy cash flow in your business and ensuring your websites are online even during the worst 'traffic storms' then you need a real solution. This is where secured cloud-based hosting comes in... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME