40 Step-by-Step Videos to Create Stunning Presentations and Manuals in YEAR! Create Your Own Video Tutorials, Presentations, Manual Guides and more (free video inside...) 40 Quick and Easy Lessons to Create Crisp Clear Annotated Screen Captures! 1 Simple trick to increase your online profits... One of the most important factors that determine whether or not your visitor wants to spend money with you is by the perceived and communicated value of your product. And one way to do achieve this is through explainer videos, illustrations and annoted screenshots. YOUR LINK?l Think about it...when you need to perform a complex task for the first time you more than likely need to refer to a manual... a set of instructions. Those instructions have to be clear, and presented in a logical step-by-step fashion. You go through the instructions page by page and by the end of it you complete the task and you're better off than when you first started. This then leaves a lasting impression and so the next time you're offered another 'how to' guide, you'll more than likely go through the process again and even pay a premium for it if you get good results. But how do you create such content?... How do you create how to manuals with annoted screenshots, whiteboard explainer videos, tutorials and more if you've never done this before? Well worry not, because right now you can get your hands on 40 clearly explaing videos that walk you through the entire process. Here's a full breakdown of what you'll learn inside this course... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME