re: NEW! Super Fast List Building With Solo Ad Wizard! (video inside...) REMINDER: 3:37min Video Why You're Failing with List Building re: List building doesn't work like it use to... (here's why...) If you weren't already aware I have released a new course dedicated to teaching you how to build your list fast with the power of solo ads. Not only that but you'll learn how to make your money back with every solo ad investment you make and more importantly maintain a bond with your list to ensure you're getting the most out of every promotion you send out in the future. Watch the quick 3:37min video and all will be explained... YOUR LINK?l Here's just a small snippet of what you're going to discover in this course... * How a simple adjustment in your mindset can stack the odds in your favour of converting more of your subscribers * The one basic secret of high converting emails and why most overlook it * The 3 biggest factors to selling more through email without losing subscribers * 8 step sales funnel formula that works everytime even if you are completely new to solo ads and mailing customers * Why you don't really need a list of 10,000 people and how it actually can work against you * Demystifying truth about mind maps and effective ways to use free mindmap software to create a path to success * Almost fool-proof way to find the best solo ad sellers by asking these 8 simple questions * A short list of online solo ad websites that are proven to be trustworthy and the key to quickly finding solo ad sellers in your niche * Exploding the top 4 myths that gurus want you to believe and how to avoid losing all your subscribers * The 3 step, instantly-effective process to creating congruency from your initial offer through to offers in the future * 8 simple tricks to positioning yourself as an expert with those you email and getting them to buy from you time after time * The single most-violated rule of following up with your email list * The most certain way to get an outstanding response from your list in the follow-up when you email out this content * Put an end to unsubscribers and freebie loaders using these simple email strategies. * Why hard selling almost never works and the one "almost magic" way to get subscribers buying that works every time * The great secret of converting your list and why most people miss out on more sales * Exactly how and what you should write in your emails going out to get emails opened, read and acted upon * The critical element involved in promoting to your list and how long you should wait to do it * Why you should never promote anything that is unrelated if you are trying to get sales long term * The number one method for increasing sales Just imagine... * Knowing how to squeeze every penny out of your solo ads * Knowing how to build a responsive list that wants what you offer * Knowing how to establish a level of trust with your market so they buy any offer you send their way * Knowing when and how to follow up with them without making them unsubscribe * Knowing the exact strategies and techniques have been proven to increase sales and work countless times Think about it. Where will you be a year from now? Will you still be struggling to build a list that converts, while competitors who are savvy steal business from you? I’ve already gone through the pain so you don’t have to. Get solid advice from a real expert and make your online business the way you've always wanted it to be. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.