re: REVEALED! The Secret To Making Your Own Profitable Products! LAST CALL! Secrets To 7-Figure Product Launches Revealed! FREE! 7 Ways to Create Profitable Products (that people want to buy...) Okay so you know there's money to be made selling your own products. You see the gurus hitting your inbox every day with promotion after promotion. You even buy a product here and there. You know someone is turning a profit... But the question is how do you turn the tables and create your own profitable product? And more importantly how do you ensure you won't spend months creating something that no one wants? Here are 7 quick and powerful ways to create killer product ideas that will sell... 1. Solve Problems. If people need money, you show them how to get it. If people need to lose weight, you show them how to be thinner. If people have back pain, you show them how to get rid of it, etc. 2. Answer Questions. Again, you're showing them how to do something. For example, if people are asking how to build a website, run an affiliate program or use a shopping cart, answering their questions can be the basis for a product topic. Sometimes the question might be answered with software. For example, if people want to know how to drive traffic and you've created a plug-in that drives traffic, you have an answer to their question (#2) that solves their problem (#1) 3. Make a Process Easier. For example, every marketer needs sales letters. If you can develop a software, service or system that makes it easier to get sales letters, you might have a product winner. 4. Improve something. If you've got a method for growing organic vegetables that makes the vegetables bigger, tastier or more plentiful, you've got a product. 5. Do something faster. Maybe you know how make tomatoes grow twice as fast, or you know how to build a good list faster than anyone, or you have software that cuts the time it takes to perform a task – those are all viable product ideas. 6. Make something cheaper. Can you teach the contents of a $997 course for $27? Or can you show people how to do something cheaper? Maybe you can demonstrate how to grow herbs for a fraction of the store cost – this could make a great product. 7. Find the Hidden Desire or Need. For example, there are tons of products on how to do each aspect of online marketing yourself. But there might very well be a hidden market of upscale buyers who would rather pay someone to develop an online business for them. Developing a winning product is very straight-forward but launching it is where most people struggle. If you're serious about selling your own products and getting out there in the marketplace to reach the greatest amount of customers, then you may want to check out our latest video course... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.