SUBJECT: *FREE* Traffic Strategies With Twitter (top secrets revealed...) SUBJECT: Tweet Your Way To Success! (insider reveals Twitter secrets...) Hi {!firstname_fix}, If you have a proper Twitter marketing campaign, you will be able to increase your sales by expanding the geographical boundaries. You will also be able to convert potential leads to your loyal clients. Here's some interesting facts you need to know about... • About 63% of brands worldwide have multiple Twitter accounts. • The average time spent on Twitter monthly is 170 minutes. • 34% marketers use Twitter to successfully generate leads. • Tweets with images receive 18% more clicks, 89% more favorites and 150% more retweets. • About 92% of international brands tweet more than once daily, 36% of which are link-containing tweets. • The click-through rate (CTR) of Twitter ads is 8 to 24 times higher as compared to Facebook. Imagine what these numbers could mean for you with you start applying them to your business! => YOUR LINK?l With our guide 'Twitter Made Easy' we take you by the hand and walk you through everything step-by-step. Here's how we break it down for you in our training guide... Chapter I: What is Twitter? Chapter II: Why Twitter? Chapter III: What is a Twitter Page? Chapter IV: 7 Steps to Twitter Marketing Success Step 1: Research your Market Step 2: Create your Page Step 3: Perfect Your Profile Step 4: Tweeting Step 5: Twitter marketing tools Step 6: Getting followers Step 7: Mimic the Masters Getting to grips with the horde of social media sites can be overwhelming, but it you follow our step-by-step plan you'll definitely get the results you need. => YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME.