Get 40 Videos to Create Stunning Animated Sales Videos, Tutorials and Whiteboard Presentations Create *AMAZING* Sales Videos to Sell Your Products, Services & Dusty PLR! (demo inside...) Increase Your Sales, Opt-In Rates and Sell High-Ticket Offers with Ease! Turn Your 'Quiet' Sales Letters into a Profit-Pulling Sales Machine (here's how...) Did you know you can easily double, even triple your conversion rates with a simple animated video?... YOUR LINK?l If you're not using videos in your business to help sell or pre-sell your products, services or recommendations then you're missing out on sales big time! More importantly you're wasting the existing traffic you're sending to those pages because you can quite easily double, if not triple your conversion rates with a simple video. You don't have to be a videographer, have an artistic eye, or write scripts like a movie producer. Thankfully, there are some basic steps that anyone can follow to create quality content that leads to traffic and sales quickly and easily. This is why we've put together 40 video lessons to help you create exciting sales video that engage visitors... slow down skim readers... increase the value of your offer without changing the product... attract more traffic with visual appeal... convince more people to sign up... improve the profitability of your sales funnel... and ultimately lead to a healthy online business that will last you for years to come. YOUR LINK?l * Lesson 1 - Overview of Animation * Lesson 2 - Vyond Plans * Lesson 3 - Vyond Resources * Lesson 4 - InterfaceTimeline * Lesson 5 - Adding Templates * Lesson 6 - Character Library * Lesson 7 - Character Properties - Part 1 * Lesson 8 - Character Properties - Part 2 * Lesson 9 - Character Properties - Part 3 * Lesson 10 - Prop and Assets Library * Lesson 11 - Prop Properties * Lesson 12 - Chart Properties - Part 1 * Lesson 13 - Chart Properties - Part 2 * Lesson 14 - Text Library * Lesson 15 - Text Properties * Lesson 16 - Scene Transitions * Lesson 17 - Whiteboard Animations Differences - Part 1 * Lesson 18 - Whiteboard Animations Differences - Part 2 * Lesson 19 - Adding in the Camera to Zoom * Lesson 20 - Basic Summary * Lesson 21 - Vyond Advance Overview * Lesson 22 - Video Script from Existing Video * Lesson 23 - Video Script from Existing Audio * Lesson 24 - Create Video scripts from Article Document * Lesson 25 - Create Video Scripts from PowerPoints * Lesson 26 - Structuring your Script and Storyboard Document * Lesson 27 - Setup Audio Recording and Voiceover Process * Lesson 28 - Narration of your Audio Script * Lesson 29 - Creation of Scene Timings * Lesson 30 - Uploading the Audio to Vyond * Lesson 31 - Adding in Music * Lesson 32 - Scene Theme Selections * Lesson 33 - Storyboarding Scenes * Lesson 34 - Business Contemporary Vs Whiteboard Style * Lesson 35 - Storyboarding Whiteboard Style Videos * Lesson 36 - Adding Images to Whiteboard Style Videos * Lesson 37 - Adding the Camera and Exit Effect to Images * Lesson 38 - Changing the Background and the Text * Lesson 39 - Add Scene Transitions to Sync Up Audio and Video * Lesson 40 - Conclusion of Animation There is NO substitute for a good sales page. Every blog, website, affiliate landing page, banner ad, text ad, video ad, squeeze page, search engine page listing etc. leads to... you guessed it... a sales page. A sales page is where ALL traffic is sent and your sales video is the best marketing tool that gets visitors to click your buy now button. Learn how to create amazing animated videos like a pro without spending years learning it yourself or paying videographers $1000s per video. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME