re: Get Instant Access to 17 How To Videos to Setup WordPress! RE: 17 Steps to Get Your WordPress Blog Setup Today (videos inside...) REMINDER: Not a Techie Person, Confused with WordPress? Try this... Have you managed to setup your first blog yet?... If not, then its likely that you're new online and put off by the thought of setting it up, or just simply don't understand why you need it. Check out the link below and all will be explained... YOUR LINK?l Q. "Why do I need a blog?... And what's so good about them?..." You won't just need one blog, you will never several! If you plan on selling anything online and stand a chance of search engines like Google finding you then you'll need a blog. Period! If you're doing affiliate marketing and plan to sell ClickBank, or Amazon, or Commission Junction products or more... then you'll need a blog that's optimized for displaying niche-specific content... so specific that you will have an entire blog dedicated to a type of product and product model! If you're planing to plan to make money with AdSense, then you'll need a blog to add content regularly to your site whilst having all your page links structured together so the search engines can pick up the changes real quickly. Doing this in old fashioned HTML when you have 100s, even 1000s of article pages would be a nightmare! If you're planning to review someone else's product during a 'guru' launch, or have a bonus package to offer with it, then blogs are excellent for grabbing attention! You could have 'product name' +bonus or 'product name' +review and visitors will find your blog and buy through your affiliate link! If you're planning to sell your own product, blogs work just as well as a single-page mini-site! Yes you can modify them this way and you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference between your blog and own old HTML layout - and you'd still out-rank a similar site with HTML! It's becoming more and more obvious that blogs are the norm and if you don't have one already then you'll be left behind... YOUR LINK?l Q. "What will you teach me?..." I'm glad you asked because this course will go through all the technical details and problems most users face such as... * How to install WordPress quickly and easily * How to add images to WordPress * The difference between a Post and a Page * How to find free themes for your WordPress site * How to style your content pages with bolding, italics, and underlining * How to insert hyperlinks into your content * How to find and install plugins on your WordPress site * How to add a YouTube video to your content page * How to set Permalinks for your site * How to set your General Settings * How to modify your sidebar widgets * How to add new users to your site * How to add new categories * How to add new links to your blogroll * How to set up your site so it's more secure * How to strengthen your password * How to adjust Discussion settings * Plus so much more! It's never too late to get yourself a blog and it can be very rewarding (financially as well) to be able to set them up yourself! If you really wanted to, you could end up providing an installation service for other beginners and charge $97 per install or more! The possibilities are endless and the knowledge you'll gain from this course could very well lead to other improvements in your business. Make sure you secure your copy today before the timer runs out. Once the timer reaches zero the page will be closed and the training won't be openly available. Here's the link again... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME P.S. This will be the last email regarding this course. WordPress really is the way forward and the majority of sites you visit online are based on this platform. If you're really struggling to get your business off the ground, then learn to tackle one thing at a time. WordPress is where it starts.