ENDS SOON! 15min Profit Tweaks (JVZoo tactics you can use right now...) QUICK Reminder: Get More JVZoo Sales (6 tactics you can use right now...) If you're looking for a way to get more sales from your existing products without having to go out of your way to create new ones then look no further. YOUR LINK?l=1 Here's a quick reminder of what's inside this course... * Why looking for the latest and greatest 'new shiny object' is costing you and where you should be focusing your attention * How seemingly simple and insignificant marketing tweaks are so wrongly overlooked, yet can have a tremendous affect on your profits (think of the butterfly effect...) * The psychology behind scarcity and how to use people's fear of losing out to your advantage. Understand the why, and the how and implementation will make more sense * How to apply time-limited discounts to your sales process efficiently so you can invest your time in more profitable areas of your business * A dead-simple marketing tactic you can apply to your customers, why this works so well, and how to apply it on your next product launch * How to create private joint-venture deals and why spending an extra day or two setting this up can automate most of your product sales and multiply your revenue * How and why to apply dime sales and automated price bumps to motivate 'fence sitters' to take action. Find out what price to start off with, how much to increment by, and what price to stop at plus more If you are currently selling your own products, or plan to in the near future then it pays to learn how to use JVZoo to it's fullest capacity. With JVZoo you already have the advantage getting your product seen by buyers and affiliates but if you want to increase your conversion rates and maximize your sales for both you and your affiliates, then it's worth learning these powerful tricks... YOUR LINK?l=1 To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.