Friday 14th of March
From Dwight Mayfield and Aaron Danker
Your Online Marketing Teachers
If you do any kind of selling online you know how much effort is required to make a sale.
You have to pick a niche... research what people want... look for problems they face... find out what people are willing to buy... how much they're willing to spend... just to name a few things...
And then you develop a whole marketing funnel around this... so that you build a targeted niche list... expose them to the offer... write a convincing sales letter... follow-up with them over a series of days... get them to know, like and trust you... and send them back to the sales page over a period of time... and finally make the sale.
...And this is assuming you have a product to sell... and assuming you have a traffic plan in place.
Maybe you've considered creating a product of your own that's one-hundred percent yours... that you can claim copyrights to... Maybe you're in the middle of developing your own product right now...
...or maybe you already have a product of your own and have promoted it a few times but feel like it's passed it's 'shelf life'.
The bottom line is you want to get more people to buy your product.
There are two ways to do this...
You can either 1) Keep promoting your site... or 2) Take your product with you and sell it on other sites.
Most marketers will keep promoting their site, get more traffic, build their list, and convert their subscribers into buyers - which is fine. If your funnel converts, keep doing it... It works.
But what if your web design is not quite up to scratch?... What if your sales funnel doesn't convert as well as it should?... What if you simply don't have the desire to keep hustling for traffic or the funds to keep it going?...
If you've experienced any of these issues, then it may be wise to take your product and sell it where the traffic already exists and the buyers are waiting for you!
Make No Mistake... Udemy is Full of Buyers and the Perfect Place to Sell Your Digital Products

Do a quick Google search and you'll see that some sellers are earning $2000 to $3000 per month offering their course on those sites...
In fact a quick search for 'blog' and you'll see numberous sellers with their own blogging courses ranging anywhere from $200+ (£149.99) to as little as $27 ($19.99)....
But what's more impressive is the number of reviews. Although it only shows feedback from buyers that choose to leave feedback, you can still gauage how much was made.
So even at $27, this particular seller was able to make $99,414 selling his or her 4-hour blogging course. Not bad at all. And this is the LOWEST price out the three shown. So imagine if you could make just a small fraction of this by submitting your product to Udemy or similar sites.... Even if you make a few thousand on the side over the span of a year... would it still be worth it?... You bet!
Now you may be thinking to yourself... "I've never sold my products on Udemy"... "I wouldn't know where to start"... "I wouldn't know what to do"... "I might get it all wrong and mess up..."
Well fear not, because we've got you covered. Right now you can get your hands on 40 step-by-step video tutorials that hold you by the hand and guide you through the entire process every step of the way.
By the end of it you'll be skilled and more importantly confident in selling your digital products on Udemy. So every new product you create in future can be sold to your email list, and added to training sites for an extra profit boost.
Lesson 1 - Udemy Overview and Revenue

In this video we will walk through on creating a course, teaching online and signing up.
This includes Instruction, Revenue Share, Promotion, Udemy Organic, Paid User acquisition channel sales and more.
Lesson 2 - Tools Needed

In this video we will discuss about the tool you need in order to create course in Udemy.
Lesson 3 - Creating a Udemy Course Outline

In this video we will discuss about how to create Udemy course outline and course goal.
Lesson 4 - Instructor Support

In this video we will discuss about instructor support, additional support, instructor based discussion in FB group, and you can join the Studio U Group.
Lesson 5 - Udemy Promotional Resources

In this video we will discuss about the benefit of launching courses in Udemy is that the company actually does quiet a bit of marketing and advertising on your behalf. You can also promote your course.
Lesson 6 - Transfer Outline To Slides

In this video we will discuss the curriculum section, what content your going to have, and outline for your slides.
Lesson 7 - Outline Each Module

In this video we will discuss about outlining each module and setting up your slide.
Lesson 8 - Recording Video Modules Part 1

In this video we will discuss about setting up your recording video screen (resolution - 1920X1080 / 1280X720) and walk through how to switch screen.
Lesson 9 - Recording Video Modules Part 2

In this video we will discuss about choosing google slides, setting-up and walk through to switch screen.
Lesson 10 - Editing Video Modules

In this video we will discuss about editing video using cantasia studio software.
Lesson 11 - Creating Audio Modules

In this video we will discuss the different platform & tools to record and edit the audio.
Lesson 12 - Editing Audio Modules

In this video, we will discuss how to edit the audio using Audacity and instructions how to remove background noise and reproduce a new audio file a in different format.
Lesson 13 - Creating Text Modules

In this Video, we will prepare visual guides (annotation) on specific files or page.
Lesson 14 - Creating Text Modules Part 2

In this Video, we will show you how to use the visual guides (annotation) and compile them in a document for reference or distribution.
Lesson 15 - Uploading Modules

In this Video, we will discuss how to upload the content in udemy, available options and make the file downloadable.
Lesson 16 - Interactive Elements from Cloud Drive

In this Video, we will show you how to link udemy to 3rd cloud storage such as Google Drive, Box, Dropbox and etc. to access the files for uploading.
Lesson 17 - Interactive Video Mashup

Another kind of Video lecture in udemy is mash up. In this video, we will show you how to create a video mash up.
Lesson 18 - Interactive Cirriculum Elements

In this Video, we will discuss different interactive activity in udemy, such as live quiz, practice test, assignment, and programming
Lesson 19 - Descriptions and Course Review

In this topic, we will show you how to submit course for review and additional information needed such as the price of the course, Instructor profile, promotional video, Identification information, transcription, payout information and etc.
Lesson 20 - Udemy Basic Summary

After the technical process of getting the courses uploaded. This final video gives us information on additional insights that udemy can offer and some tips on checking other instructors on related content area.
Lesson 21 - Udemy Advance Overview Overview

In this video we'll show you how to market your publication on Udemy. As a platform does conform the basic rules of information marketing.
Lesson 22 - Udemy and Your Marketing Home Base

In this video we'll show you to make home base for all your promotional, content creation, logistic, blog post, training session and announcement, and you can connect it on your Udemy profile. When you have an home base, any offline activity, press releases, book, courses or coupon can be seized and shared from this while marketing might entail being active in your Facebook Group.
Lesson 23 - Leveraging Udemy's Course Promotion

In this video we'll show you to take advantage the leverage organic search and focus your attention on optimizing the keywords. Use these to optimize and keep updating your listing by looking keyword phrases in Google Keyword tool, Google Suggest, Youtube Suggest, and look for popular book on Amazon related to your topic are.
Lesson 24 - Reviews and Social Proof

In this video we'll show you of getting more review in more people who get free coupon on your course in their hands. Structure your course, make sure to have a milestone message ready to congratulate then on achieving their goal, keep reminding other in your announcement and encouraging those that haven't take the first step.
Lesson 25 - Recruiting Affiliates

In this video we'll show you of the Udemy promotes its individual courses through the online affiliate platform linkshare. The more people that have an incentive in selling your course, the more students will ultimately have.
Lesson 26 - Online Forums

In this video we'll show you consider joining online forums in the market that you are in and your job their is to acting as a participant, community members tend to like your contribution. You need to make sure that the forum is active, and open to the fact that you have a course on the subject.
Lesson 27 - Social Media

In this video we'll show you of the social media is the viral nature of sharing something that you set in motion and you already build your authority. Use giveaways and free coupons to set things in motion every time you create new course.
Lesson 28 - Regular Broadcasting

In this video we'll show you on how you best share information, you should have a weekly or regular dissemination of information in your broadcast niche. You should have a Homebase for all of your activities that houses everything.
Lesson 29 - Regular Training

In this video we'll show you where the people from multiple courses inside or outside Udemy can come to learn from something new that you're teaching. This is proves your level of expertise, establish the law of reciprocity and give you a way yo sell without selling.
Lesson 30 - Your YouTube Channel

In this video we'll show you of the YouTube channel you should reflect the benefit that your viewers are going to get as well as your level of expertise. Learn to create videos on an individual problem that you know your customers are having, attract them by the solution to their problem and you can use their interest in your video solution to tell them.
Lesson 31 - Offline and Local Strategies

In this video we'll show you of the offline/local strategies: audience, list, student group, local chamber of commerce and speaking opportunities, local business publication or local news, blog subject matter expert, press release and create/host regular event using and Eventbrite.
Lesson 32 - LinkedIn

In this video we'll show you to create promotion in LinkedIn base on your expertise, creating thank you page with free course in your Udemy Inventory, and considering re-purposing short videos that will be interest on your target market. You can use hashtag on your relevant problem in your niche when posting, and create relevant giveaways in your post to get a different kind of client.
Lesson 33 - Produce More Courses

In this video we'll show you to produce more course and to leverage. The internal system will benefit you, for the work to pay off... you'll want to be actively marketing your expertise outside of Udemy.
Lesson 34 - JVZoo and Warrior Plus

In this video we'll show you the other platform for information marketers JVZoo and Warrior Plus. You can use this opportunity to look partner with other online marketers to expand your reach and make sure to capture the name and email address of the buyers to build your list and you can visit the to find out about the product launches by the individuals in this community.
Lesson 35 - Document Sharing

In this video we'll show you of the slideshare walk through. The strategy in using slideshare are to make sure you will optimize the title, description and the content, also remember to leave one slide to call to action.
Lesson 36 - Opt-In List

In this video we'll show you of the inside of a wordpress page and walk though the process in opt-in / landing page, thank you page and download page
Lesson 37 - Building a Subscriber List

In this video we will provide tips on how to building a subscriber list outside of Udemy platform.
Lesson 38 - Amazon Video Direct

In this video we will show you how to set up your amazon video direct account.
Lesson 39 - Amazon Kindle

In this video we will show you walk through to kindle author central.
Lesson 40 - Udemy Advance Summary

We will close this session with some information that Udemy does. Your true assets as an information marketer is your email list and you must always be building it regardless of how successful you are as a Udemy instructor.
But it doesn't stop there... because as you know it's NOT all about front-end profit...
The over-looked benefits of selling in more places...
You don't have to create as many digital products so often because if you do it right, you can sell the same products on different sites and meet your monthly targets, even surpass them.
You're selling on sites that are buyer-focused. This means people that are on these sites have every intention to BUY something. Most of the convincing and pre-selling is done for you.
You're selling to people who want to learn and improve themselves. They know what they want. They won't question you and they're much less likely to refund. This is the ideal customer mindset you need to build a hassle-free online business.
You attract more customers and can build a big customer base. Customers are easier than selling to freebie seekers. You can always message your customers and entice them with a bonus after the sale and bring them into your business.
You can increase your backend sales. And because they've already done business with you, it will be much easier to sell high-ticket items to them such as a coaching program, a service, one-on-one consultations and more.
When you take all this into consideration... The benefits far outweight the miniscule effort it takes to sell your products on different platforms.
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How can we make such a confident guarantee? Simple. Firstly because we know that these videos are packed full of value - stuff that they don't teach you in school and secondly because we were once in your shoes and know what it's like to go through this steep learning curve.
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You have absolutely every reason to become successful online and with all this knowledge at your fingertips nothing will hold you back.
Use your new found knowledge to learn, grow and expand so you can attract more prospects, customers and clients.
Listen... it's not about trying to re-invent the wheel. Sometimes all it takes is knowing how to work with what's already in front of you to get the results you need.
Secure your videos now and you can start watching and applying these powerful methods within minutes from now! Click the order button below to get started...
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To Your Success! Dwight Mayfield and Aaron Danker
Your online teachers passionate in helping you succeed!

Dwight has a passion for internet marketing with plenty of experience and a growing knowledge of the industry. Dwight is comitted to helping you grow your online business and achieve real tangible results that you can be proud of. If you have any pre-sale questions about this product, please contact for help and support and your questions will be answered you as soon as possible.

Aaron Danker is an established internet marketer with over 10 years of online experience. He provides high level turn-key solutions and website installation services for beginners and has recently turned to coaching to share his knowledge and expertise with dedicated students. Udemy Profit System is the result of years of marketing experience all condensed into one powerful and easy-to-use learning platform to help solve problems every entrepreneur will face.
Click Here to Get Instant Access to Udemy Profit System